Globe Local


Smart resigns as Weymouth Town Councilor

Weymouth Town Councilor Michael Smart has resigned, for health reasons, from the position he held for 18 years.

In a letter presented at the Feb. 3 council meeting, Smart wrote that since his return to the council following recent major surgery, he had realized that he was “no longer able to bring the same level of commitment to my Town Council work as I have previously.”

He thanked his District Six constituents, colleagues, town staff, and family, saying “I am thankful to have had the opportunity to serve in public office on behalf of South Weymouth, the community where I was raised and chose to raise my own family.”


Smart is the third councilor to resign since 2018. TJ Lacey left the council that year, and Brian McDonald resigned in the summer of 2019.

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Smart ran unopposed in the last election for a two-year term on the 11-member council.

Town Clerk Kathleen Deree said the Town Council is responsible for choosing Smart’s replacement. She said the council will appoint a committee to interview residents from District Six and present two names for the council to choose from.

Deree said there is no set time frame for the process, but that the council will discuss how to proceed at its Feb. 18 meeting.

Johanna Seltz can be reached at [email protected].